Day 95 – Weather

Start Milepost: 1704.0 Time: 07:45081717 - Moss
End Milepost: 1720.7 Time: 14:59
Miles hiked: 16.7
Miles to go: 469.1
Weather: sunny, chilly
Temps: 40’s°, 70’s°
Blue Side trails:
Overnight: Tent at Wintturi Shelter
Map: Click on map pin

Last night Relentless got up at midnight and closed our windows because he realized it was dang cold in our room (The previous night he closed them to keep rain out.) As we prepared to depart the lodge the weather app reflected that Killington’s temperature was 47 degrees. Nice and chilly for an August morning!

It was just yesterday that I remarked to Relentless that one of the nice aspects of hiking at this time of the hiking northbound hiking season was that we did not have to worry about our Sawyer water filters freezing overnight. If it freezes, say goodbye to filtered water. That was yesterday. Last night a young SOBO couple relayed some of their experiences in the White Mountains and particularly the Presidential peaks.

They spoke of 40 MPH winds and temperatures in the 40s a week ago. Add a week and or two and it could be an interesting hike for me as I across New Hampshire and southern Maine. All the more reason I am glad to be retrieving my gloves, beanie and puffy jacket on Saturday.

They also remarked about the dense cloud layers that form on the mountains. The fellow said he had difficulty picking out the trail and at one point was startled to have a building appear fifteen feet in front of him.

So, the hike is about to take on a variety of new dimensions: steep peaks, multiple peaks each day, widely varying weather, difficult logistics and heavier gear requirements. Add the urgency to stay on schedule and I have some challenging days ahead. So much for the mundane!

Relentless was at his best again today as we pushed to get our mileage finished early. The lodge breakfast was late being set up so we were almost an hour past our planned trail time. Even with the late start the temperature was still in the 40s as noted above so we wore an added layer of clothing (wind jackets) to help retain heat.

The next two days will feature low mileage since Relentless doesn’t have to be in Hanover to meet his wife until Saturday. Said low mileage will allow me some added rest time each day in preparation for the Whites. Like today; we were in camp at three o’clock and it is now just about supper prep time. I could be sleeping by 18:30 if the other hikers remain quiet.

OBTW. Low nightly temperatures have not reduced the mosquito population. They are all over the outside of the screen of my tent. Life on the trail….


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